Information on District Review of Transportation Requests to Nonpublic Schools
Upon receipt of a completed Transportation Request Form to a Private or Parochial School, the District will evaluate each request and notify the parent of its determination as soon as possible. In conducting the review of transportation request applications, the District must comply with the transportation requirements and guidelines established under the Education Law, the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, and Board Policy.
Transportation determinations are based upon various statutory requirements including, but not limited to the following parameters:
Under 15 Miles - By Education Law, Section 3635(1a), transportation from neighborhood bus stops is provided to nonpublic schools when the distance from the student's home to the drop-off point at the non-public school is 15 miles or less. The distance is measured by the nearest available publicly maintained.
Over 15 Miles - Upon the discretion of the Board of Education by Education Law Section 3635(1b), the District may establish centralized pick-up points when a nonpublic school is over 15 miles from the student's residence. The non-public school must have at least one student in attendance who lives within 15 miles from the school. Each year the District will establish the appropriate centralized pick-up points based on the requests filed for transportation by the parents of nonpublic students by the April 1st deadline. The District is not responsible for providing transportation from home to or from the pick-up point. However, the District may provide transportation to a student if the residence of the student is located on an established route for the transportation of students to the centralized pick-up point, provided such services do not result in an additional cost to the District.
Transportation of Students with Disabilities - Parents or guardians of students with disabilities may request transportation to nonpublic schools up to 50 miles each way from their home for their student to receive the appropriate special education services and/or programs. Education Law Section 4402(4d) requires the District to review all applications and provide suitable transportation up to a distance of 50 miles to and from the requested nonpublic school upon certain conditions. Suitable transportation up to a distance of 50 miles shall be provided if the student has been identified by the District's Committee on Special Education(CSE) as a student with disabilities and if the student is attending a nonpublic school for receiving services or programs similar to the special education programs recommended for such If you need additional assistance in completing the Transportation Request Form or have any questions or concerns, please contact the Transportation Office at 845-577-6490.